Published by Pearson (July 5, 2024) © 2024

Peter Atrill | Eddie McLaney
    Pearson eTextbook (180 Days access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292741734

    Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists ,12th edition

    Language: English

    Familiarise yourself with essential accounting and finance principles for business decision-making.

    Connect your learning with relevant examples from real world businesses.

    Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists 12th Edition by Peter Atrill and Eddie McLaney is a highly accessible introduction to the subject. It equips you with a solid foundation in the principles and practice of accounting and finance, thereby laying the groundwork necessary to make successful business decisions in your future career.

    Covering financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in a single text, you will discover what the major financial statements contain and why they are useful. You will also gain an appreciation of the key roles that accounting and finance play in business decision-making.

    This easy-to-follow textbook examines widely-used accounting techniques, considers important international financial standards and contains a range of relevant, real-world examples, many of which are new to this edition. Activities and exercises frequently appear throughout the book and provide opportunities to engage with the issues raised.

    Pair this text with MyLab®Accounting

    MyLab is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab Accounting personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student.

    MyLab®Accounting is not included with this title. If you would like to purchase both the physical textbook and MyLab Accounting (which also comes with the eBook), search for: 

    9781292334745 Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists 12th Edition ‘MyLab via Bundle' which consists of: 

    • Print textbook
    • eBook
    • MyLab®Accounting

    Students, MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. If MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please check with your instructor for the correct ISBN. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

    1. Introduction to accounting and finance


    1. Measuring and reporting financial position 
    2. Measuring and reporting financial performance
    3. Accounting for limited companies
    4. Measuring and reporting cash flows
    5. Analysing and interpreting financial statements


    1. The relevance and behaviour of costs 
    2. Full costing
    3. Budgeting


    1. Making capital investment decisions
    2. Financing a business
    3. Managing working capital

    Appendix A: Glossary of key terms

    Appendix B: Solutions to self-assessment questions

    Appendix C: Solutions to critical review questions

    Appendix D: Solutions to selected exercises

    Appendix E: Present value table
