Published by Pearson (May 30, 2022) © 2022

Paul Deitel | Harvey Deitel
    VitalSource eTextbook (6 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292436999R180

    C How to Program: With Case Studies in Applications and Systems Programming, Global Edition ,9th edition

    Language: English

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    C How to Program is a user-friendly, code-intensive introduction to C programming with case studies introducing applications and system programming. Like other texts of the Deitels’ How to Program series, the book’s modular presentation serves as a detailed beginner source of information for college students looking to embark on a career in coding, or instructors and software-development professionals seeking to learn how to program with C. The signature Deitel live-code approach presents concepts in the context of 142 full-working programs rather than incomplete snips of code. This gives you a chance to run each program as you study it and see how your learning applies to real-world programming scenarios.

    Current standards, contemporary practice, and hands-on learning opportunities are integrated throughout the 9th Edition. Over 340 new integrated Self-Check exercises with answers allow you to test your understanding of important concepts — and check your code — as you read. New and enhanced case studies and exercises use real-world data and focus on the latest ACM/IEEE computing curricula recommendations, highlighting security, data science, ethics, privacy, and performance concepts.

    PART 1: (Introductory) Programming Fundamentals Quickstart

    1. Introduction to Computers and C: Test-Driving Microsoft Visual Studio, Apple Xcode, GNU gcc, and GNU gcc in a Docker container
    2. Intro to C Programming: Input, Output, Types, Arithmetic, Decision Making
    3. Structured Program Development: Algorithmic Development, Problem Solving, if, if/else, while
    4. Program Control: for, do/while, switch, break, continue, Logical Operators
    5. Functions: Custom Functions, Simulation, Random-Number Generation, Enumerations, Function Call and Return Mechanism, Recursion, Recursive Factorial, Recursive Fibonacci

    PART 2: (Intermediate) Arrays, Pointers, and Strings

    1. Arrays: One- and Two-Dimensional Arrays, Passing Arrays to Functions, Searching, Sorting
    2. Pointers: Pointers operators & and •, Pass-By-Value vs. Pass-By-Reference, Array and Pointer Relationship
    3. Characters and Strings: C Standard Library String- and Character-Processing Functions

    PART 3: (Intermediate) Formatted Input/Output, Structures, and File Processing

    1. Formatted Input/Output: scanf and printf formatting
    2. Structures, Unions, Bit Manipulation and Enumerations: Creating Custom Types with structs and unions, Bitwise Operators, Named Constants
    3. File Processing: Streams, Text and Binary Files, CSV Files, Sequential and Random-Access Files

    PART 4: (Advanced) Algorithms and Data Structures

    1. Data Structures: Dynamic Memory Allocation and Deallocation, Lists, Stacks, Queues, Binary Trees
    2. Computer-Science Thinking: Sorting Algorithms and Big O Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Additional Algorithms including Quicksort in the Exercises

    PART 5: (Advanced) Preprocessor and Other Topics

    1. Preprocessor: #include, Conditional Compilation, Macros with Arguments, Assertions
    2. Other Topics: Variable-Length Argument Lists, Command-line Arguments, Multiple-Source-Pile Programs, extern, exit/atexit, calloc/realloc, goto, Numeric Literal Suffixes, Signal Handling


    • Operator Precedence Chart
    • ASCII Character Set
    • Numerical Integration
    • Number Systems
    • Multithreading/Multicore and other C18/C11/C99 Topics
    • Intro to Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

    Online Appendices

    • F-H. Using the Visual Studio Debugger, Using the GNU gdb Debugger, and Using the Xcode Debugger

    Case Studies

    System Programming Case Studies

    • Systems Software: Building Your Own Computer
    • Systems Software: Building Your Own Compiler
    • Embedded Systems Programming: Robotics with the Webots Simulator
    • Performance with Multithreading and Multicore Systems

    Applications Programming Case Studies

    • Random-Number Simulation: Building a Casino Game
    • Random-Number Simulation: Card Shuffling and Dealing
    • Random-Number Simulation: The Tortoise and the Hare Race
    • Intro to Data Science: Survey Data Analysis
    • Direct-Access File Processing: Transaction-Processing System
    • Visualizing a Sorting Algorithm: Merge Sort
    • Artificial Intelligence/Data Science: NLP: Who Wrote Shakespeare's Works?
    • Artificial Intelligence/Data Science: Machine Learning with the GNU Scientific Library
    • Game Programming: SpotOn Game with the raylib Library
    • Game Programming: Cannon Game with the raylib Library
    • Security and Cryptography: Implementing a Vigenère Cipher
    • Visualization with gnuplot: Law of Large Numbers Animation
    • Web Services and the Cloud: libcurl and OpenWeatherMap