Published by Pearson (January 21, 2021) © 2021

Marc Brysbaert | Kathy Rastle
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292130255

    Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology ,3rd edition

    Language: British English

    Engage with key historical and conceptual issues in psychology 

    Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology, 3rd Edition, by Brysbaert & Rastle offers a unique and engaging introduction to key historical and conceptual issues in psychology.  The text draws on a broad range of issues and themes, both contemporary and historical, helping you understand the philosophical context from which psychology has emerged as a discipline. 

    Every chapter reflects the newest findings and insights in the field, with particular attention drawn to those findings that have not stood up to replication tests. The 3rd edition also includes a new chapter on the replication crisis, including the importance of open science practices in scientific research. 

    Excerpts from original texts, profiles of key figures and fascinating examples drawn from across the world take you from ancient Greece to modern day debates, stopping off at important developments in psychology, philosophy and science along the way. Myth busting boxes and discussion questions in every chapter encourage you to reflect and think critically about the issues raised.

    This best-selling text is essential reading for undergraduate psychology students and those interested in how the discipline has developed from ancient origins to reach its current standing today. 

     1 The wider picture Where did it all start?

     2 The scientific revolution of the seventeenth century and its aftermath   

     3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology

     4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline

     5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology Behaviourism and cognitive psychology  

     6 The input from brain research   

     7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness   

     8 How did psychology affect everyday life? The history of applied psychology

     9 What is science?

    10   Is psychology a science?

    11   The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods  

    12   The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences 

    13   Psychology and society The socio-political side   





