Published by Pearson (August 29, 2013) © 2014

Paul Hewitt
    VitalSource eTextbook (12 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292038629R365

    Conceptual Physics Fundamentals ,1st edition

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    Language: English

    This briefer text provides the depth, topic coverage, and features requested by instructors teaching courses that are shorter and that include more quantitative material. The text extends best-selling author Paul Hewitt’s proven pedagogical approach, straight-forward learning features, approachable style, and rigorous coverage, while providing superior supplements and instructor and student media. The book develops a solid conceptual understanding of physics, while building students’ self-confidence applying their understanding quantitatively.

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    1. About Science
    2. Atoms
    3. Newton’s Laws of Motion
    4. Equilibrium and Linear Motion
    5. Momentum and Energy
    6. Fluid Mechanics
    7. Gravity, Projectiles, and Satellites
    8. Temperature, Heat, and Thermodynamics
    9. Heat Transfer and Change of Phase
    10. Static and Current Electricity
    11. Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
    12. Waves and Sound
    13. Light Waves
    14. Properties of Light
    15. Quantum Theory
    16. The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity
