Published by Pearson Higher Education (November 18, 2013) © 2014

David King | Efraim Turban
    VitalSource eTextbook (12 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292014234R365

    Electronic Commerce ,7th edition

    Language: English

    For undergraduate and graduate electronic commerce courses.


    Explore the many aspects of electronic commerce through a managerial perspective.


    Electronic Commerce provides a thorough explanation of what EC is, how it’s being conducted and managed, and how to assess its opportunities, limitations, issues, and risks—all from a managerial perspective. By presenting EC through a managerial approach, this text makes the subject matter practical, relevant, and beneficial to majors and non-majors alike.


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    • Chapter 1: Overview of Electronic Commerce
    • Chapter 2: E-Commerce: Mechanisms, Infrastructure, and Tools
    • Chapter 3: Retailing in Electronic Commerce: Products and Services
    • Chapter 4: B2B E-Commerce
    • Chapter 5: Innovative EC Systems: From E-Government to E-Learning, Collaborative Commerce, and C2C Commerce
    • Chapter 6: Mobile Commerce and Ubiquitous Computing
    • Chapter 7: Social Commerce
    • Chapter 8: Marketing and Advertising in E-Commerce
    • Chapter 9: E-Commerce Security and Fraud Protection
    • Chapter 10: Electronic Commerce Payment Systems
    • Chapter 11: Order Fulfillment along the Supply Chain
    • Chapter 12: EC Strategy, Globalization, and SMEs
    • Chapter 13: Implementing EC Systems: From Justification to Successful Performance
    • Chapter 14: E-commerce: Regulatory, Ethical, and Social Environments
    • Chapter 15: Launching a Successful Online Business and EC Projects