Published by Pearson (June 28, 2020) © 2021

H. Fogler
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9780135486269

    Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering ,6th edition

    Language: English

    The Definitive Guide to Chemical Reaction Engineering Problem-Solving -- With Updated Content and More Active Learning

    For decades, H. Scott Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the world's dominant chemical reaction engineering text. This Sixth Edition and integrated Web site deliver a more compelling active learning experience than ever before. Using sliders and interactive examples in Wolfram, Python, POLYMATH, and MATLAB, students can explore reactions and reactors by running realistic simulation experiments.

    Writing for today's students, Fogler provides instant access to information, avoids extraneous details, and presents novel problems linking theory to practice. Faculty can flexibly define their courses, drawing on updated chapters, problems, and extensive Professional Reference Shelf web content at diverse levels of difficulty.

    The book thoroughly prepares undergraduates to apply chemical reaction kinetics and physics to the design of chemical reactors. And four advanced chapters address graduate-level topics, including effectiveness factors. To support the field's growing emphasis on chemical reactor safety, each chapter now ends with a practical safety lesson.

    • Updates throughout the book reflect current theory and practice and emphasize safety
    • New discussions of molecular simulations and stochastic modeling
    • Increased emphasis on alternative energy sources such as solar and biofuels
    • Thorough reworking of three chapters on heat effects
    • Full chapters on nonideal reactors, diffusion limitations, and residence time distribution

    About the Companion Web Site (

    • Complete PowerPoint slides for lecture notes for chemical reaction engineering classes
    • Links to additional software, including POLYMATH™, MATLAB™, Wolfram Mathematica™, AspenTech™, and COMSOL™
    • Interactive learning resources linked to each chapter, including Learning Objectives, Summary Notes, Web Modules, Interactive Computer Games, Solved Problems, FAQs, additional homework problems, and links to Learncheme
    • Living Example Problems -- unique to this book -- that provide more than 80 interactive simulations, allowing students to explore the examples and ask "what-if" questions
    • Professional Reference Shelf, which includes advanced content on reactors, weighted least squares, experimental planning, laboratory reactors, pharmacokinetics, wire gauze reactors, trickle bed reactors, fluidized bed reactors, CVD boat reactors, detailed explanations of key derivations, and more
    • Problem-solving strategies and insights on creative and critical thinking

    Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Introduction xix
    About the Author xxxiii

    Chapter 1: Mole Balances 1
    1.1 The Rate of Reaction, –r_A 4
    1.2 The General Mole Balance Equation (GMBE) 8
    1.3 Batch Reactors (BRs) 10
    1.4 Continuous-Flow Reactors 12
    1.5 Industrial Reactors 24
    1.6 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 1 (AWFOS - S1 Safety) 25

    Chapter 2: Conversion and Reactor Sizing 35
    2.1 Definition of Conversion 36
    2.2 Batch Reactor Design Equations 36
    2.3 Design Equations for Flow Reactors 39
    2.4 Sizing Continuous-Flow Reactors 42
    2.5 Reactors in Series 51
    2.6 Some Further Definitions 62
    2.7 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 2 (AWFOS - S2 The NFPA Diamond) 66

    Chapter 3: Rate Laws 75
    3.1 Basic Definitions 76
    3.2 The Rate Law 78
    3.3 The Reaction-Rate Constant 89
    3.4 Molecular Simulations 100
    3.5 Present Status of Our Approach to Reactor Sizing and Design 103
    3.6 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 3 (AWFOS - S3 The GHS Diamond) 104

    Chapter 4: Stoichiometry 117
    4.1 Batch Reactors (BRs) 119
    4.2 Flow Systems 125
    4.3 Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium Conversion 138
    4.4 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 4 (AWFOS - S4 The Swiss Cheese Model) 143

    Chapter 5: Isothermal Reactor Design: Conversion 155
    5.1 Design Structure for Isothermal Reactors 156
    5.2 Batch Reactors (BRs) 160
    5.3 Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs) 168
    5.4 Tubular Reactors 178
    5.5 Pressure Drop in Reactors 185
    5.6 Synthesizing the Design of a Chemical Plant 208
    5.7 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 5 (AWFOS - S5 A Safety Analysis of the Incident Algorithm) 210

    Chapter 6: Isothermal Reactor Design: Moles and Molar Flow Rates 229
    6.1 The Moles and Molar Flow Rate Balance Algorithms 230
    6.2 Mole Balances on CSTRs, PFRs, PBRs, and Batch Reactors 230
    6.3 Application of the PFR Molar Flow Rate Algorithm to a Microreactor 234
    6.4 Membrane Reactors 239
    6.5 Unsteady-State Operation of Stirred Reactors 248
    6.6 Semibatch Reactors 249
    6.7 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 6 (AWFOS - S6 The BowTie Diagram) 256

    Chapter 7: Collection and Analysis of Rate Data 269
    7.1 The Algorithm for Data Analysis 270
    7.2 Determining the Reaction Order for Each of Two Reactants Using the Method of Excess 272
    7.3 Integral Method 273
    7.4 Differential Method of Analysis 277
    7.5 Nonlinear Regression 284
    7.6 Reaction-Rate Data from Differential Reactors 290
    7.7 Experimental Planning 297
    7.8 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 7 (AWFOS - S7 Laboratory Safety) 297

    Chapter 8: Multiple Reactions 309
    8.1 Definitions 310
    8.2 Algorithm for Multiple Reactions 313
    8.3 Parallel Reactions 316
    8.4 Reactions in Series 325
    8.5 Complex Reactions 335
    8.6 Membrane Reactors to Improve Selectivity in Multiple Reactions 343
    8.7 Sorting It All Out 348
    8.8 The Fun Part 348
    8.9 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 8 (AWFOS - S8 The Fire Triangle) 349

    Chapter 9: Reaction Mechanisms, Pathways, Bioreactions, and Bioreactors 367
    9.1 Active Intermediates and Nonelementary Rate Laws 368
    9.2 Enzymatic Reaction Fundamentals 377
    9.3 Inhibition of Enzyme Reactions 391
    9.4 Bioreactors and Biosynthesis 399
    9.5 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 9 (AWFOS - S9 Process Safety Triangle) 422

    Chapter 10: Catalysis and Catalytic Reactors 441
    10.1 Catalysts 441
    10.2 Steps in a Catalytic Reaction 447
    10.3 Synthesizing a Rate Law, Mechanism, and Rate-Limiting Step 463
    10.4 Heterogeneous Data Analysis for Reactor Design 479
    10.5 Reaction Engineering in Microelectronic Fabrication 490
    10.6 Model Discrimination 493
    10.7 Catalyst Deactivation 496
    10.8 Reactors That Can Be Used to Help Offset Catalyst Decay 507
    10.9 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 10 (AWFOS - S10 Exxon Mobil Torrance Refinery Explosion Involving
    a Straight-Through Transport Reactor [STTR]) 519

    Chapter 11: Nonisothermal Reactor Design: The Steady-State Energy Balance and Adiabatic PFR Applications 541
    11.1 Rationale 542
    11.2 The Energy Balance 543
    11.3 The User-Friendly Energy Balance Equations 551
    11.4 Adiabatic Operation 557
    11.5 Adiabatic Equilibrium Conversion 566
    11.6 Reactor Staging with Interstage Cooling or Heating 571
    11.7 Optimum Feed Temperature 575
    11.8 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 11 (AWFOS - S11 Acronyms) 579

    Chapter 12: Steady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design: Flow Reactors with Heat Exchange 591
    12.1 Steady-State Tubular Reactor with Heat Exchange 592
    12.2 Balance on the Heat-Transfer Fluid 595
    12.3 Examples of the Algorithm for PFR/PBR Design with Heat Effects 598
    12.4 CSTR with Heat Effects 619
    12.5 Multiple Steady States (MSS) 630
    12.6 Nonisothermal Multiple Chemical Reactions 637
    12.7 Radial and Axial Temperature Variations in a Tubular Reactor 652
    12.8 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 12 (AWFOS - S12 Safety Statistics) 652

    Chapter 13: Unsteady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design 681
    13.1 The Unsteady-State Energy Balance 682
    13.2 Energy Balance on Batch Reactors (BRs) 684
    13.3 Batch and Semibatch Reactors with a Heat Exchanger 700
    13.4 Nonisothermal Multiple Reactions 711
    13.5 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 13 (AWFOS - S13 Safety Analysis of the T2 Laboratories Incident) 723

    Chapter 14: Mass Transfer Limitations in Reacting Systems 739
    14.1 Diffusion Fundamentals 740
    14.2 Binary Diffusion 744
    14.3 Modeling Diffusion with Chemical Reaction 748
    14.4 The Mass Transfer Coefficient 750
    14.5 Mass Transfer to a Single Particle 752
    14.6 The Shrinking Core Model 758
    14.7 Mass Transfer-Limited Reactions in Packed Beds 763
    14.8 Robert the Worrier 766
    14.9 What If . . . ? (Parameter Sensitivity) 770
    14.10 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 14 (AWFOS - S14 Sugar Dust Explosion) 778

    Chapter 15: Diffusion and Reaction 791
    15.1 Diffusion and Reactions in Homogeneous Systems 792
    15.2 Diffusion and Reactions in Spherical Catalyst Pellets 793
    15.3 The Internal Effectiveness Factor 802
    15.4 Falsified Kinetics 809
    15.5 Overall Effectiveness Factor 811
    15.6 Estimation of Diffusion- and Reaction-Limited Regimes 816
    15.7 Mass Transfer and Reaction in a Packed Bed 817
    15.8 Determination of Limiting Situations from Reaction-Rate Data 823
    15.9 Multiphase Reactors in the Professional Reference Shelf 824
    15.10 Fluidized Bed Reactors 826
    15.11 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) 826
    15.12 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 15 (AWFOS - S15 Critical Thinking Questions Applied to Safety) 826

    Chapter 16: Residence Time Distributions of Chemical Reactors 843
    16.1 General Considerations 844
    16.2 Measurement of the RTD 846
    16.3 Characteristics of the RTD 853
    16.4 RTD in Ideal Reactors 860
    16.5 PFR/CSTR Series RTD 866
    16.6 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 869
    16.7 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 16 (AWFOS - S16 Critical Thinking Actions) 876

    Chapter 17: Predicting Conversion Directly from the Residence Time Distribution 887
    17.1 Modeling Nonideal Reactors Using the RTD 888
    17.2 Zero Adjustable Parameter Models 890
    17.3 Using Software Packages Such as Polymath to Find Maximum Mixedness Conversion 907
    17.4 Tanks-in-Series One Parameter Model, n 910
    17.5 RTD and Multiple Reactions 912
    17.6 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 17 (AWFOS - S17 Brief Case History on an Air Preheater) 917

    Chapter 18: Models for Nonideal Reactors 929
    18.1 Some Guidelines for Developing Models 930
    18.2 Flow and Axial Dispersion of Inert Tracers in Isothermal Reactors 933
    18.3 Flow, Reaction, and Axial Dispersion 937
    18.4 Flow, Reaction, and Axial Dispersion in Isothermal Laminar-Flow Reactors and Finding Meno 941
    18.5 Tanks-in-Series Model versus Dispersion Model 951
    18.6 Numerical Solutions to Flows with Dispersion and Reaction 952
    18.7 Nonisothermal Flow with Radial and Axial Variations in a Tubular Reactor 956
    18.8 Two-Parameter Models -- Modeling Real Reactors with Combinations of Ideal Reactors 964
    18.9 And Now . . . A Word from Our Sponsor -- Safety 18 (AWFOS - S18 An Algorithm for Management of Change (MoC)) 974

    Appendix A: Numerical Techniques 991
    A.1 Useful Integrals in Chemical Reactor Design 991
    A.2 Equal-Area Graphical Differentiation 992
    A.3 Solutions to Differential Equations 994
    A.4 Numerical Evaluation of Integrals 995
    A.5 Semi-Log Graphs 997
    A.6 Software Packages 997

    Appendix B: Ideal Gas Constant and Conversion Factors 999

    Appendix C: Thermodynamic Relationships Involving the Equilibrium Constant 1003

    Appendix D: Software Packages 1009
    D.1 Polymath 1009
    D.2 Wolfram 1010
    D.3 Python 1011
    D.4 MATLAB 1011
    D.5 Excel 1011
    D.6 COMSOL ( 1012
    D.7 Aspen 1013
    D.8 Visual Encyclopedia of Equipment -- Reactors Section 1013
    D.9 Reactor Lab 1013

    Appendix E: Rate-Law Data 1015

    Appendix F: Nomenclature 1017

    Appendix G: Open-Ended Problems 1021
    G.1 Chem-E-Car 1021
    G.2 Effective Lubricant Design 1021
    G.3 Peach Bottom Nuclear Reactor 1021
    G.4 Underground Wet Oxidation 1022
    G.5 Hydrodesulfurization Reactor Design 1022
    G.6 Continuous Bioprocessing 1022
    G.7 Methanol Synthesis 1022
    G.8 Cajun Seafood Gumbo 1022
    G.9 Alcohol Metabolism 1023
    G.10 Methanol Poisoning 1024
    G.11 Safety 1024

    Appendix H: Use of Computational Chemistry Software Packages 1025
    H.1 Computational Chemical Reaction Engineering 1025

    Appendix I: How to Use the CRE Web Resources 1027
    I.1 CRE Web Resources Components 1027

    Index 1029