Published by Addison-Wesley (March 9, 2012) © 2012

Gregor Hohpe | Bobby Woolf
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9780133065107

    Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions ,1st edition

    Language: English

    Enterprise Integration Patterns provides an invaluable catalog of sixty-five patterns, with real-world solutions that demonstrate the formidable of messaging and help you to design effective messaging solutions for your enterprise.


    The authors also include examples covering a variety of different integration technologies, such as JMS, MSMQ, TIBCO ActiveEnterprise, Microsoft BizTalk, SOAP, and XSL. A case study describing a bond trading system illustrates the patterns in practice, and the book offers a look at emerging standards, as well as insights into what the future of enterprise integration might hold.


    This book provides a consistent vocabulary and visual notation framework to describe large-scale integration solutions across many technologies. It also explores in detail the advantages and limitations of asynchronous messaging architectures. The authors present practical advice on designing code that connects an application to a messaging system, and provide extensive information to help you determine when to send a message, how to route it to the proper destination, and how to monitor the health of a messaging system. If you want to know how to manage, monitor, and maintain a messaging system once it is in use, get this book.

    Foreword by John Crupi.

    Foreword by Martin Fowler.




    1. Solving Integration Problems Using Patterns.

    The Need for Integration.

    Integration Challenges.

    How Integration Patterns Can Help.

    The Wide World of Integration.

    Loose Coupling.

    One-Minute EAI.

    A Loosely Coupled Integration Solution.

    Widgets & Gadgets 'R Us: An Example.


    2. Integration Styles.


    File Transfer (by Martin Fowler).

    Shared Database (by Martin Fowler).

    Remote Procedure Invocation (by Martin Fowler).


    3. Messaging Systems.


    Message Channel.


    Pipes and Filters.

    Message Router.

    Message Translator.

    Message Endpoint.

    4. Messaging Channels.


    Point-to-Point Channel.

    Publish-Subscribe Channel.

    Datatype Channel.

    Invalid Message Channel.

    Dead Letter Channel.

    Guaranteed Delivery.

    Channel Adapter.

    Messaging Bridge.

    Message Bus.

    5. Message Construction.


    Command Message.

    Document Message.

    Event Message.


    Return Address.

    Correlation Identifier.

    Message Sequence.

    Message Expiration.

    Format Indicator.

    6. Interlude: Simple Messaging.


    JMS Request-Reply Example.

    .NET Request-Reply Example.

    JMS Publish-Subscribe Example.

    7. Message Routing.


    Content-Based Router.

    Message Filter.

    Dynamic Router.

    Recipient List.




    Composed Message Processor.


    Routing Slip.

    Process Manager.

    Message Broker.

    8. Message Transformation.


    Envelope Wrapper.

    Content Enricher.

    Content Filter.

    Claim Check.


    Canonical Data Model.

    9. Interlude: Composed Messaging.

    Loan Broker Example.

    Synchronous Implementation Using Web Services (by Conrad F. D'Cruz).

    Asynchronous Implementation with MSMQ.

    Asynchronous Implementation with TIBCO ActiveEnterprise (by Michael J. Rettig).

    10. Messaging Endpoints.


    Messaging Gateway.

    Messaging Mapper.

    Transactional Client.

    Polling Consumer.

    Event-Driven Consumer.

    Competing Consumers.

    Message Dispatcher.

    Selective Consumer.

    Durable Subscriber.

    Idempotent Receiver.

    Service Activator.

    11. System Management.


    Control Bus.


    Wire Tap.

    Message History.

    Message Store.

    Smart Proxy.

    Test Message.

    Channel Purger.

    12. Interlude: System Management Example.

    Loan Broker System Management.

    13. Integration Patterns in Practice.

    Case Study: Bond Pricing System (by Jonathan Simon).

    14. Concluding Remarks.

    Emerging Standards and Futures in Enterprise Integration (by Sean Neville).


    Index. 0321200683T10062003