Published by Pearson (February 28, 2012) © 2013

Johanna Drucker | Emily McVarish
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9780205921454

    Graphic Design History ,2nd edition

    Language: English

    This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

    A Fresh Look at the History of Graphic Design


    Graphic Design History, 2nd edition is a critical approach to the history of graphic design. Organized chronologically, the book demonstrates the connection to the current practices of graphic arts, visual expression, and design with its engaging narrative and special features.


    With new images, chapter revisions, and features like Tools of the Trade, the authors stay true to connecting what designers do every day to a history of innovative graphic forms and effects. The MySearchLab with eText provides students and professors a new and exciting way to view Graphic Design History.  Instructor PowerPoints featuring nearly all of the images from the text make class preparation easier than ever with this new edition.


    A better teaching and learning experience

    This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience– for you and your students. Here’s how:

    •  Personalize Learning — The new MySearchLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals.
    • Improve Critical Thinking — Chapters are framed by critical issues and historical themes so that students can fully grasp an understanding of the history of graphic design. 
    • Engage Students — Timelines and images with detailed captions easily highlight relevant information for students.
    • Support Instructors — New MySearchLab with eText and high resolution PowerPoint are available for this text.

    Note: MySearchLab with eText does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MySearchLab with eText, please visit or you can purchase a ValuePack of the text + MySearchLab with eText (at no additional cost).

    ValuePack ISBN-10: 0205867715 / ValuePack ISBN-13: 9780205867714