Published by Pearson (October 3, 2013) © 2014

Victor Katz
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292053783

    History of Mathematics, A ,3rd edition

    Language: English

    Part I. Ancient Mathematics


    1. Egypt and Mesopotamia

    1.1 Egypt

    1.2 Mesopotamia


    2. The Beginnings of Mathematics in Greece

    2.1 The Earliest Greek Mathematics

    2.2 The Time of Plato

    2.3 Aristotle


    3. Euclid

    3.1 Introduction to the Elements

    3.2 Book I and the Pythagorean Theorem

    3.3 Book II and Geometric Algebra

    3.4 Circles and the Pentagon

    3.5 Ratio and Proportion

    3.6 Number Theory

    3.7 Irrational Magnitudes

    3.8 Solid Geometry and the Method of Exhaustion

    3.9 Euclid’s Data


    4. Archimedes and Apollonius

    4.1 Archimedes and Physics

    4.2 Archimedes and Numerical Calculations

    4.3 Archimedes and Geometry

    4.4 Conic Sections Before Apollonius

    4.5 The Conics of Apollonius


    5. Mathematical Methods in Hellenistic Times

    5.1 Astronomy Before Ptolemy

    5.2 Ptolemy and The Almagest

    5.3 Practical Mathematics


    6. The Final Chapter of Greek Mathematics

    6.1 Nichomachus and Elementary Number Theory

    6.2 Diophantus and Greek Algebra

    6.3 Pappus and Analysis


    Part II. Medieval Mathematics


    7. Ancient and Medieval China

    7.1 Introduction to Mathematics in China

    7.2 Calculations

    7.3 Geometry

    7.4 Solving Equations

    7.5 Indeterminate Analysis

    7.6 Transmission to and from China


    8. Ancient and Medieval India

    8.1 Introduction to Mathematics in India

    8.2 Calculations

    8.3 Geometry

    8.4 Equation Solving

    8.5 Indeterminate Analysis

    8.6 Combinatorics

    8.7 Trigonometry

    8.8 Transmission to and from India


    9. The Mathematics of Islam

    9.1 Introduction to Mathematics in Islam

    9.2 Decimal Arithmetic

    9.3 Algebra

    9.4 Combinatorics

    9.5 Geometry

    9.6 Trigonometry

    9.7 Transmission of Islamic Mathematics


    10. Medieval Europe

    10.1 Introduction to the Mathematics of Medieval Europe

    10.2 Geometry and Trigonometry

    10.3 Combinatorics

    10.4 Medieval Algebra

    10.5 The Mathematics of Kinematics


    11. Mathematics Elsewhere

    11.1 Mathematics at the Turn of the Fourteenth Century

    11.2 Mathematics in America, Africa, and the Pacific


    Part III. Early Modern Mathematics


    12. Algebra in the Renaissance

    12.1 The Italian Abacists

    12.2 Algebra in France, Germany, England, and Portugal

    12.3 The Solution of the Cubic Equation

    12.4 Viete, Algebraic Symbolism, and Analysis

    12.5 Simon Stevin and Decimal Analysis


    13. Mathematical Methods in the Renaissance

    13.1 Perspective

    13.2 Navigation and Geography

    13.3 Astronomy and Trigonometry

    13.4 Logarithms

    13.5 Kinematics


    14. Geometry, Algebra and Probability in the Seventeenth Century

    14.1 The Theory of Equations

    14.2 Analytic Geometry

    14.3 Elementary Probability

    14.4 Number Theory

    14.5 Projective Geometry


    15. The Beginnings of Calculus

    15.1 Tangents and Extrema

    15.2 Areas and Volumes

    15.3 Rectification of Curves and the Fundamental Theorem


    16. Newton and Leibniz

    16.1 Isaac Newton

    16.2 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

    16.3 First Calculus Texts


    Part IV. Modern Mathematics


    17. Analysis in the Eighteenth Century

    17.1 Differential Equations

    17.2 The Calculus of Several Variables

    17.3 Calculus Texts

    17.4 The Foundations of Calculus


    18. Probability and Statistics in