Published by Pearson Business (September 11, 2023) © 2024
John Lees
A career change programme in one volume from the UK's best-known career strategist. Through a blend of inspiration and practical guidance, it moves readers forward into practical action aimed at career satisfaction.
1. ‘Get a job you love?' Get real
2. Overcoming barriers to change
3. First steps towards a new career deal
4. Thinking, deciding, and getting on with it
5. What drives you?
6. Clarify your skills
7. Build on your knowledge
8. Work out your personality fit
9. Choose your world
10. Changing career and finding work worth doing
11. Dealing with knockbacks, and getting stuck
12. Smarter job searching and online activity
13. Organised discovery: how people will move you forward
14. The 4-hour job search programme
15. Getting better results at interview
16. Bringing ideas together