Published by Pearson (October 3, 2013) © 2014
Jeffrey ArnettIN THIS SECTION:
Chapter 1: A Cultural Approach to Human Development
Chapter 2: Genetics and Prenatal Development
Chapter 3: Birth and the Newborn Child
Chapter 4: Infancy: The First Year of Life
Chapter 5: Toddlerhood
Chapter 6: Early Childhood
Chapter 7: Middle Childhood
Chapter 8: Adolescence
Chapter 9: Emerging Adulthood
Chapter 10: Young Adulthood
Chapter 11: Middle Adulthood
Chapter 12: Late Adulthood
Chapter 13: Death and Afterlife Beliefs
Chapter 1: A Cultural Approach to Human Development
Section 1: Human Development Today and Its Origins
Humanity Today: A Demographic Profile
Human Origins and the Birth of Culture
Section 2: Theories of Human Development
Ancient Conceptions of Development
Scientific Conceptions of Human Development
Section 3: How We Study Human Development
The Scientific Study of Human Development
Methods and Designs in Research
Chapter 2: Genetics and Prenatal Development
Section 1: Generic Influences on Development
Genetic Basics
Genes and Environment in Human Development
Genes and Individual Development
Section 2: Prenatal Development and Prenatal Care
Prenatal Development
Prenatal Care
Section 3: Pregnancy Problems
Prenatal Problems
Chapter 3: Birth and the Unborn Child
Section 1: Birth and its Cultural Context
The Birth Process
Cultural and Historical Variations in Birth Beliefs and Practices
Section 2: The Neonate
The Neonate’s Health
Physical Functioning of the Neonate
Section 3: Caring for the Neonate
Nutrition: Is Breast Best?
Social and Emotional Aspects of Neonatal Care
Chapter 4: The First Year of Life
Section 1: Physical Development
Growth and Change in Infancy
Infant Health
Baby on the Move: Motor and Sensory Development
Section 2: Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Information Processing in Infancy
Assessing Infant Development
The Beginnings of Language
Section 3: Emotional and Social Development
Infants’ Emotions
The Social World of the Infant
Chapter 5: Toddlerhood
Section 1: Physical Development
Growth and Change in Years 2 and 3
Socializing Physical Functions: Toilet Training and Weaning
Section 2: Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development Theories
Language Development
Section 3: Emotional and Social Development
Emotional Development in Toddlerhood
Relations with Parents
The Social World of the Toddler
Chapter 6: Early Childhood
Section 1: Physical Development
Growth from Age 3 to 6
Motor Development
Section 2: Cognitive Development
Theories of Cognitive Development
Early Childhood Education
Language Development
Section 3: Emotional and Social Development
Emotional Development and Gender Socialization
The Child’s Expanding Social World
Chapter 7: Middle Childhood <