Published by Pearson (August 27, 2013) © 2014

Gary Miessler | Paul Fischer | Donald Tarr
    VitalSource eTextbook (6 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292034003R180

    Inorganic Chemistry ,5th edition

    Language: English

    With its updates to quickly changing content areas, a strengthened visual presentation and the addition of new co-author Paul Fischer, the new edition of this highly readable text supports the modern study of inorganic chemistry better than ever. Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edition delivers the essentials of Inorganic Chemistry at just the right level for today’s classroom – neither too high (for novice students) nor too low (for advanced students). Strong coverage of atomic theory and an emphasis on physical chemistry give students a firm understanding of the theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry, while a reorganised presentation of molecular orbital and group theory highlights key principles more clearly.


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    • 1. Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry.
    • 2. Atomic Structure.
    • 3. Simple Bonding Theory.
    • 4. Symmetry and Group Theory.
    • 5. Molecular Orbitals.
    • 6. Acid-Base and Donor-Acceptor Chemistry.
    • 7. The Crystalline Solid State.
    • 8. Chemistry of the Main Group Elements.
    • 9. Coordination Chemistry I: Structures and Isomers.
    • 10. Coordination Chemistry II: Bonding.
    • 11. Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra.
    • 12. Coordination Chemistry IV: Reactions and Mechanisms.
    • 13. Organometallic Chemistry.
    • 14. Organometallic Reactions and Catalysis.
    • Appendixes.