Published by Pearson (October 3, 2013) © 2014
Neil Murray | David BeglarTable of Contents
Part 1: Academic Research: An Overview
A. Conducting Academic Research
B. The Differences between a Thesis and a Dissertation
D. Developing Independence as a Researcher and Finding your Voice
E. Meeting the Challenges of Academic Research
a. Intellectual Challenges
b. Emotional Challenges
c. Motivational Challenges
d. Organisational Challenges
F. Becoming a Member of an Academic Community
a. Attending Research Seminars and Conferences
b. Networking in Person and on the Internet
c. Creating a Support Group
G. Choosing and Working with Your Supervisor
Part 2: Preparing to Write
A. Familiarity with Your Schools Rules & Regulations
B. Ethical Considerations
C. Deciding on a Research Topic
D. Identifying a Gap in the Literature
E. Generating Research Questions and Research Hypotheses
F. Deciding on the Research Approach
a. Quantitative Approaches
b. Qualitative Approaches
c. Mixed-methods Approaches
d. Disciplinary and Subject Variations
Part 3: Clear and Effective Writing
A. Reading and Planning before You Write
B. Sources of Information
C. Selecting Appropriate Information
D. Note-taking
E. The Style of Academic Writing
a. Clarity
b. Level of Formality
c. Eliminating Biased Language
d. Supporting Your Claims
e. Acknowledging Alternative Perspectives
f. Avoiding Plagiarism
h. Summarising and Concluding Individual Chapters