Intercultural Business Communication, Pearson New International Edition

Published by Pearson (October 3, 2013) © 2014

Lillian Chaney | Jeanette Martin
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    ISBN-13: 9781292052311

    Intercultural Business Communication ,6th edition

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    Language: English

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    For courses in Intercultural Business Communication.

    With the globalisation of the world economy, it is imperative for current and future managers to be sensitive to the differences they will encounter in intercultural communication. To help make students aware of these differences, Intercultural Business Communication contains practical guidelines and information on how to conduct negotiations across countries, write business letters in different societies, and includes the general “dos” and “don’ts” in international business.

    • 1. The Nature of Intercultural Communication
    • 2. Universal Systems
    • 3. Contrasting Cultural Values
    • 4. Cultural Shock
    • 5. Language
    • 6. Oral and Nonverbal Communication Patterns
    • 7. Written Communication Patterns
    • 8. Global Etiquette
    • 9. Business and Social Customs
    • 10. Intercultural Negotiation Process
    • 11. Intercultural Negotiation Components
    • 12. Laws Affecting International Business and Travel
    • Appendix A: Glossary
    • Appendix B: Answers to Exercises