Published by Pearson (September 10, 2014) © 2015

Tirupathi Chandrupatla | Ashok Belegundu
    VitalSource eTextbook (12 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292014029R365

    Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering ,4th edition

    Language: English

    Introduction to Finite Engineering is ideal for senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students and also as a learning resource to practicing engineers.

    This book provides an integrated approach to finite element methodologies. The development of finite element theory is combined with examples and exercises involving engineering applications. The steps used in the development of the theory are implemented in complete, self-contained computer programs. While the strategy and philosophy of the previous editions has been retained, the 4th Edition has been updated and improved to include new material on additional topics.

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    1.1 Introduction 1

    1.2 Historical Background 1

    1.3 Outline of Presentation 2

    1.4 Stresses and Equilibrium 2

    1.5 Boundary Conditions 4

    1.6 Strain—Displacement Relations 5

    1.7 Stress—Strain Relations 6

    Special Cases, 7

    1.8 Temperature Effects 8

    1.9 Potential Energy and Equilibrium: The Rayleigh—Ritz Method 9

    Potential Energy ß , 9

    Rayleigh—Ritz Method, 12

    1.10 Galerkin’s Method 14

    1.11 Saint Venant’s Principle 18

    1.12 Von Mises Stress 19

    1.13 Principle of Superposition 19

    1.14 Computer Programs 20

    1.15 Conclusion 20

    Historical References 20

    Problems 21



    2.1 Matrix Algebra 28

    Row and Column Vectors, 29

    Addition and Subtraction, 29

    Multiplication by a Scalar, 29

    Matrix Multiplication, 29

    Transposition, 30

    Differentiation and Integration, 30

    Square Matrix, 31

    Diagonal Matrix, 31

    Identity Matrix, 31

    Symmetric Matrix, 32

    Upper Triangular Matrix, 32

    Determinant of a Matrix, 32

    Matrix Inversion, 32

    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, 33

    Positive Definite Matrix, 35

    Cholesky Decomposition, 35

    2.2 Gaussian Elimination 35

    General Algorithm for Gaussian Elimination, 37

    Symmetric Matrix, 40

    Symmetric Banded Matrices, 40

    Solution with Multiple Right Sides, 40

    Gaussian Elimination with Column Reduction, 42

    Skyline Solution, 44

    Frontal Solution, 45

    2.3 Conjugate Gradient Method for Equation Solving 45

    Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, 46

    Input Data/Output 46

    Problems 47

    Program Listings, 49



    3.1 Introduction 51

    3.2 Finite Element Modeling 52

    Element Division, 52

    Numbering Scheme, 53

    3.3 Shape Functions and Local Coordinates 55

    3.4 The Potential-Energy Approach 59

    Element Stiffness Matrix, 60

    Force Terms, 62

    3.5 The Galerkin Approach 64

    Element Stiffness, 64

    Force Terms, 65

    3.6 Assembly of the Global Stiffness Matrix and Load Vector 66

    3.7 Properties of K 69

    3.8 The Finite Element Equations: Treatment

    of Boundary Conditions 70

    Types of Boundary Conditions, 70

    Elimination Approach, 71

    Penalty Approach, 76

    Multipoint Constraints, 82

    3.9 Quadratic Shape Functions 85

    3.10 Temperature Effects 92

    3.11 Problem Modeling and Boundary Conditions 96

    Problem in Equilibrium, 96

    Symmetry, 97

    Two Elements with Same End Displacements, 97

    Problem with a Closing Gap, 98

    Input Data/Output, 98

    Problems 99

    Program Listing, 111


    4 TRUSSES 117

    4.1 Introduction 117

    4.2 Plane Trusses 118

    Local and Global Coordinate Systems, 118

    Formulas for Calculating / and m, 119

    Element Stiffness Matrix, 120

    Stress Calculations, 121

    Temperature Effects, 126

    4.3 Three-Dimensional Trusses 129

    4.4 Assembly of Global Stiffness Matrix for the Banded and Skyline

    Solutions 131

    Assembly for Banded Solution, 131

    Skyline Assembly , 132

    4.5 Problem Modeling and Boundary Conditions 134

    Inclined Support in Two Dimensions, 134

    Inclined Support in Three Dimensions–Line Constraint, 134

    Inclined Support in Three Dimensions–Plane Constraint, 135

    Symmetry and Antisymmetry , 136

    Input Data/Output, 138

    Problems 139

    Program Listing, 147



    5.1 Introduction