Published by Pearson (August 27, 2013) © 2014

Christopher Wickens | John Lee | Yili Liu | Sallie Gordon-Becker
    VitalSource eTextbook (6 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292035512R180

    Introduction to Human Factors Engineering ,2nd edition

    Language: English

    For undergraduate courses in Human-Factors Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Engineering Psychology, or Human-Factors Psychology.

    Offering a somewhat more psychological perspective than other human factors books on the market, this text describes the capabilities and limitations of the human operator—both physical and mental—and how these should be used to guide the design of systems with which people interact. General principles of human-system interaction and design are presented, and included are specific examples of successful and unsuccessful interactions. It links theories of human performance that underlie the principles with real-world experience, without a heavy engineering-oriented perspective.

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    • 1. Human Factors Engineering. 
    • 2. Design and Evaluation Methods. 
    • 3. Visual Sensory System. 
    • 4. Auditory, Tactile, and Vestibular System. 
    • 5. Cognition. 
    • 6. Decision Making. 
    • 7. Displays. 
    • 8. Controls.
    • 9. Engineering Anthropometry and Workspace Design.
    • 10. Biomechanics at Work.
    • 11. Work Physiology.
    • 12. Stress and Workload.
    • 13. Safety, Accidents, and Human Error.
    • 14. Human-Computer Interaction.
    • 15. Automation.
    • 16. Transportation Human Factors.
    • 17. Selection and Training.
    • 18. Social Factors.
    • 19. Research Methods.