Published by Pearson (September 28, 2021) © 2022
Y. LiangFor courses in Java Programming.
A fundamentals-first introduction to basic programming concepts andtechniques
Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures seamlessly integrates programming, data structures,and algorithms into one text. With a fundamentals-first approach, the textbuilds a strong foundation of basic programming concepts and techniques beforeteaching students object-oriented programming and advanced Java programming.Liang explains programming in a problem-driven way that focuses on problemsolving rather than syntax, illustrating basic concepts by example andproviding a large number of exercises with various levels of difficulty forstudents to practice. The 12th Edition is completely revised in everydetail to enhance clarity, presentation, content, examples, and exercises.
- Introduction to Computers, Programs, and JavaTM
- Elementary Programming
- Selections
- Mathematical Functions, Characters, and Strings
- Loops
- Methods
- Single-Dimensional Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Objects and Classes
- Object-Oriented Thinking
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Exception Handling and Text I/O
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- JavaFX Basics
- Event-Driven Programming and Animations
- JavaFX UI Controls and Multimedia
- Binary I/O
- Recursion
- Generics
- Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues
- Sets and Maps
- Developing Efficient Algorithms
- Sorting
- Implementing Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues
- Binary Search Trees
- AVL Trees
- Hashing
- Graphs and Applications
- Weighted Graphs and Applications
- Aggregate Operations for Collection Streams
Bonus Chapters 31–44 are available from the Companion Website
- Advanced JavaFX and FXML
- Multithreading and Parallel Programming
- Networking
- Java Database Programming
- Advanced Database Programming
- Internationalization
- Servlets
- JavaServer Pages
- JavaServer Faces
- Web Services
- 2-4 Trees and B-Trees
- Red-Black Trees
- Testing Using JUnit
- A. Java Keywords and Reserved Words
- B. The ASCII Character Set
- C. Operator Precedence Chart
- D. Java Modifiers
- E. Special Floating-Point Values
- F. Number Systems
- G. Bitwise Operations
- H. Regular Expressions
- I. Enumerated Types
- J. The Big-O, Big-Omega, and Big-Theta Notations