Published by FT Publishing International (August 26, 2015) © 2016

Elisabet Vinberg Hearn | Mandy Flint
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292083117

    Leading Teams - 10 Challenges : 10 Solutions ,1st edition

    Language: British English

    Leading Teams is built on the authors’ experience of coaching 1,000+ team leaders in over 15 global corporations. They discovered the 10 common challenges holding teams back and the solutions to counter each one. There's a framework for how to lead a team-enhancement workshop.

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    • Introduction
    • Acknowledgements
    • Chapter 1: How do you build trust?
    • Chapter 2: How do you overcome conflicts or tensions?
    • Chapter 3: How do you encourage everyone to share relevant information with each other?
    • Chapter 4: How do you create engagement? 
    • Chapter 5: How do you create transparency and openness?
    • Chapter 6: How do you encourage long-term thinking? 
    • Chapter 7: How do you create a team that delivers and is well perceived?
    • Chapter 8: How do you get a team to manage change effectively?
    • Chapter 9: How do you get a team working together, all for one and one for all? 
    • Chapter 10: How do you get everyone going in the same direction?
    • Straight Talking Summary
    • Your Team Tool kit on how to run a team workshop
    • Additional resources  
    • References
    • About the Authors