American English

Linear Algebra with Applications, Global Edition ,10th edition::9781292354873R365

Published by Pearson (November 25, 2020) © 2021

Steven Leon | Lisette de Pillis
    VitalSource eTextbook (12 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292354873R365

    Linear Algebra with Applications, Global Edition ,10th edition

    Language: American English

    This book is for junior/senior-level first courses in linear algebra and assumes calculus as a prerequisite.

    This thorough and accessible text, from one of the leading figures in the use of technology in linear algebra, gives students a challenging and broad understanding of the subject. The author infuses key concepts with their modern practical applications to offer students examples of how mathematics is used in the real world. Each chapter contains integrated worked examples and chapter tests. The book stresses the important roles geometry and visualisation play in understanding linear algebra.

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    1. Matrices andSystems of Equations 

    1.1 Systems of LinearEquations 

    1.2 Row Echelon Form

    1.3 Matrix Arithmetic

    1.4 Matrix Algebra

    1.5 ElementaryMatrices

    1.6 PartitionedMatrices

    MATLAB Exercises

    Chapter Test A — Trueor False

    Chapter Test B


    2. Determinants

    2.1 The Determinantof a Matrix

    2.2 Properties ofDeterminants

    2.3 Additional Topicsand Applications

    MATLAB Exercises

    Chapter Test A — Trueor False

    Chapter Test B


    3. Vector Spaces

    3.1 Definition andExamples

    3.2 Subspaces

    3.3 LinearIndependence

    3.4 Basis and Dimension

    3.5 Change of Basis

    3.6 Row Space andColumn Space

    MATLAB Exercises

    Chapter Test A — Trueor False

    Chapter Test B


    4. LinearTransformations

    4.1 Definition andExamples

    4.2 MatrixRepresentations of Linear Transformations

    4.3 Similarity

    MATLAB Exercises

    Chapter Test A — Trueor False

    Chapter Test B


    5. Orthogonality

    5.1 The ScalarProduct in Rn

    5.2 OrthogonalSubspaces

    5.3 Least SquaresProblems

    5.4 Inner ProductSpaces

    5.5 Orthonormal Sets

    5.6 The Gram–SchmidtOrthogonalization Process

    5.7 OrthogonalPolynomials

    MATLAB Exercises

    Chapter Test A — Trueor False

    Chapter Test B


    6. Eigenvalues

    6.1 Eigenvalues andEigenvectors

    6.2 Systems of LinearDifferential Equations

    6.3 Diagonalization

    6.4 HermitianMatrices

    6.5 The SingularValue Decomposition

    6.6 Quadratic Forms

    6.7 Positive DefiniteMatrices

    6.8 NonnegativeMatrices

    MATLAB Exercises

    Chapter Test A — Trueor False

    Chapter Test B


    7. Numerical LinearAlgebra

    7.1 Floating-PointNumbers

    7.2 GaussianElimination

    7.3 Pivoting Strategies

    7.4 Matrix Norms andCondition Numbers

    7.5 OrthogonalTransformations

    7.6 The EigenvalueProblem

    7.7 Least SquaresProblems

    7.8 Iterative Methods

    MATLAB Exercises

    Chapter Test A — Trueor False

    Chapter Test B


    8. Canonical Forms

    8.1 Nilpotent Operators

    8.2 The JordanCanonical Form


    Appendix: MATLAB


    Answers to SelectedExercises
