Published by Pearson (April 13, 2015) © 2015

Leigh Thompson
    VitalSource eTextbook (12 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292070346R365

    Making the Team, Global Edition ,5th edition

    Language: English

    For undergraduate or graduate management courses in Organization Behavior, Group Dynamics, or Teamwork; also appropriate for executives enrolled in degree and non-degree short courses on general management.

    Gain inside insight to help team leaders and team members maximize their success in business.

    Making the Team: A Guide for Managers
    combines cutting-edge theory with the latest research and real-world applications in order to help team leaders and team members succeed in the business world.

    Every chapter of this edition contains new information, new research, updated examples, and more.

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    • 1. Teams in Organizations: Facts and Myths 
    • 2. Performance and Productivity: Team Performance Criteria and Threats to Productivity
    • 3. Rewarding Teamwork: Compensation and Performance Appraisals
    • 4. Designing the Team: Tasks, People, and Processes    
    • 5. Team Identity, Emotion, and Development    
    • 6. Sharpening the Team Mind: Communication and Collective Intelligence    
    • 7. Team Decision Making: Pitfalls and Solutions    
    • 8. Conflict in Teams: Leveraging Differences to Create Opportunity    
    • 9. Creativity: Mastering Strategies for High Performance    
    • 10. Networking, Social Capital, and Integrating across Teams  
    • 11. Leadership: Managing the Paradox    
    • 12. Interteam Relations: Competition and Cooperation    
    • 13. Teaming Across Distance and Culture 
    • APPENDIX 1. Managing Meetings: A Toolkit    
    • APPENDIX 2. Tips for Facilitators    
    • APPENDIX 3. A Guide for Creating Effective Study Groups    
    • APPENDIX 4. Example Items from Peer Evaluations and 360-Degree Performance Evaluations