Published by Microsoft Press (December 1, 2018) © 2019
Cindy Lewis | Carl Chatfield | Timothy Johnson
The quick way to learn Microsoft Project 2019!
This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Microsoft Project 2019. Jump in wherever you need answers–brisk lessons and informative screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step. Other Project users will want to grab this book as well.
Quickly start new plans, build task lists, and assign resources
View resource capacity and track progress
Capture and fine-tune work and cost details
Visualize schedules with Gantt charts and other views and reports
Consolidate projects, and share resources across plans
Manage modern Agile projects (James Mills, Jr., contributor)
Customize Project to maximize your efficiency
Leverage improvements to task linking, timelines, and accessibility
Master PM best practices while you learn Project
Look up just the tasks and lessons you need
- Part 1: Get started with Microsoft Project
- 1. Project, project management, and you
- 2. Take a guided tour
- Part 2: Simple scheduling basics
- 3. Start a new plan
- 4. Build a task list
- 5. Set up resources
- 6. Assign resources to tasks
- 7. Format and share your plan
- 8. Track progress: Basic techniques
- Part 3: Advanced scheduling techniques
- 9. Fine-tune task scheduling
- 10. Fine-tune task details
- 11. Fine-tune resource and assignment details
- 12. Fine-tune the Project plan
- 13. Organize plan details
- 14. Track progress: Detailed techniques
- 15. View and report project status
- Part 4: In-depth and special subjects
- 16. Format and print views: In-depth techniques
- 17. Format reports: In-depth techniques
- 18. Customize Project
- 19. Share information with other programs
- 20. Consolidate projects and resources
- 21. Use Agile project management with Project
- Part 5: Appendixes