Published by Microsoft Press (November 30, 2016) © 2017
John PierceThis is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Advance your expert skills in Word 2016. And earn the credential that proves it!!
Demonstrate your expertise with Microsoft Word! Designed to help you practice and prepare for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Word 2016 Expert certification, this official Study Guide delivers:
- In-depth exam prep for each MOS objective
- Detailed procedures to help build the skills measured by the exam
- Hands-on tasks to apply what you’ve learned
- Practice and review questions
- Ready-made practice files with solutions
Sharpen the skills measured by these MOS objectives:
- Manage Document Options and Settings
- Design Advanced Documents
- Create Advanced References
- Create Custom Word Elements
Chapter 1 Manage Document Options and Settings
1.1 Manage Documents and Templates
1.2 Prepare Documents for Review
1.3 Manage Document Changes
Chapter 2 Design Advanced Documents
2.1 Perform Advanced Editing and Formatting
2.2 Create Styles
Chapter 3 Create Advanced References
3.1 Create and Manage Indexes
3.2 Create and Manage References
3.3 Manage Forms, Fields, and Mail Merge Operations
Chapter 4 Create Custom Word Elements
4.1 Create and Modify Building Blocks, Macros, and Controls
4.2 Create Custom Style Sets and Templates
4.3 Prepare a document for Internationalization and Accessibility