Published by Pearson (March 22, 2022) © 2022

Nigel Slack | Alistair Brandon-Jones | Nicola Burgess
    VitalSource eTextbook (12 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292408224R365

    Operations Management ,10th edition

    Language: English

    Operations may not run the world but make the world run! Learn how a business operates and improves its processes from some of the leading experts in the field.

    Operations Management, 10th edition is the ultimate guide on the subject, providing you with the best ways and strategies to learn, explore and make sense of how a business works, coming from world-leading experts Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones, and Nicola Burgess.

    Strategic in its perspective and with a clear structure, the latest edition offers a comprehensive and practical way to study key concepts surrounding effective operation processes, from theory to practice.

    What makes Operations Management, 10th edition work so well?

    • Clear structure, thanks to the "4 Ds" model of Operations Management.
    • Real-life examples that are shown in the "Operations in Practice" boxes and case studies.
    • Worked examples that blend qualitative and quantitative perspectives.
    • Critical commentaries, posing alternative views where appropriate.
    • Summary provided in practical bullet points, answering key questions.
    • A new section in every chapter called "Responsible Operations", that summarises how the topic touches upon social, ethical, and environmental issues.

    With plenty of new end-of-chapter case studies and a plethora of international examples, this textbook will challenge your critical thinking, both individually and as part of your group discussion in class. Along with the practice cases, summaries, and illustrations, this edition is the definitive guide for your studies in the field of Operations Management.

    Pearson, the world's learning company.

    1. Operations management
    2. Operations performance
    3. Operations strategy
    4. Product and service innovation
    5. The structure and scope of supply
    6. Process design
    7. The layout and look of facilities
    8. Process technology
    9. People in operations
    10. Planning and control
    11. Capacity management
    12. Supply Chain Management
    13. Inventory management
    14. Planning and control systems
    15. Operations improvement
    16. Lean operations
    17. Quality management
    18. Managing risk and recovery
    19. Project management