Published by Addison-Wesley (December 8, 2016) © 2017
Ofer Mendelevitch | Casey Stella | Douglas EadlineThe Complete Guide to Data Science with Hadoop—For Technical Professionals, Businesspeople, and Students
Demand is soaring for professionals who can solve real data science problems with Hadoop and Spark. Practical Data Science with Hadoop® and Spark is your complete guide to doing just that. Drawing on immense experience with Hadoop and big data, three leading experts bring together everything you need: high-level concepts, deep-dive techniques, real-world use cases, practical applications, and hands-on tutorials.
The authors introduce the essentials of data science and the modern Hadoop ecosystem, explaining how Hadoop and Spark have evolved into an effective platform for solving data science problems at scale. In addition to comprehensive application coverage, the authors also provide useful guidance on the important steps of data ingestion, data munging, and visualization.
Once the groundwork is in place, the authors focus on specific applications, including machine learning, predictive modeling for sentiment analysis, clustering for document analysis, anomaly detection, and natural language processing (NLP).
This guide provides a strong technical foundation for those who want to do practical data science, and also presents business-driven guidance on how to apply Hadoop and Spark to optimize ROI of data science initiatives.
- What data science is, how it has evolved, and how to plan a data science career
- How data volume, variety, and velocity shape data science use cases
- Hadoop and its ecosystem, including HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, and Spark
- Data importation with Hive and Spark
- Data quality, preprocessing, preparation, and modeling
- Visualization: surfacing insights from huge data sets
- Machine learning: classification, regression, clustering, and anomaly detection
- Algorithms and Hadoop tools for predictive modeling
- Cluster analysis and similarity functions
- Large-scale anomaly detection
- NLP: applying data science to human language
- Part I: Data Science with Hadoop—An Overview
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Science
- Chapter 2: Use Cases for Data Science
- Chapter 3: Hadoop and Data Science
- Part II: Preparing and Visualizing Data with Hadoop
- Chapter 4: Getting Data into Hadoop
- Chapter 5: Data Munging with Hadoop
- Chapter 6: Exploring and Visualizing Data
- Part III: Applying Data Modeling with Hadoop
- Chapter 7: Machine Learning with Hadoop
- Chapter 8: Predictive Modeling
- Chapter 9: Clustering
- Chapter 10: Anomaly Detection with Hadoop
- Chapter 11: Natural Language Processing
- Chapter 12: Data Science with Hadoop—The Next Frontier
- Appendix A: Book Web Page and Code Download
- Appendix B: HDFS Quick Start
- Appendix C: Additional Background on Data Science and Apache Hadoop and Spark