Published by Pearson (October 3, 2013) © 2014

Joseph Mistovich | Keith Karren | Brent Hafen
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292054520

    Prehospital Emergency Care ,10th edition

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    Language: English

    PART 1

    Standard Preparatory

    Standard Public Health

    1.  Emergency Medical Care Systems, Research, and Public Health  

    2.  Workforce Safety and Wellness of the EMT  

    3.  Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues  

    4.  Documentation  

    5.  Communication  

    6.  Lifting and Moving Patients  


    PART 2

    Standard Anatomy and Physiology

    Standard Medical Terminology

    7.  Anatomy, Physiology, and Medical Terminology  


    PART 3

    Standard Pathophysiology

    8.  Pathophysiology  


    PART 4

    Standard Life Span Development

    9.  Life Span Development  


    PART 5

    Standard Airway Management, Respiration, and Artificial Ventilation

    10. Airway Management, Artificial Ventilation, and Oxygenation  


    PART 6

    Standard Assessment

    11. Baseline Vital Signs, Monitoring Devices, and History Taking  

    12. Scene Size-Up  

    13. Patient Assessment  


    PART 7

    Standard Pharmacology

    14. Pharmacology and Medication Administration  


    PART 8

    Standard Shock and Resuscitation

    15. Shock and Resuscitation  


    PART 9

    Standard Medicine

    16. Respiratory Emergencies  

    17. Cardiovascular Emergencies  

    18. Altered Mental Status, Stroke, and Headache  

    19. Seizures and Syncope  

    20. Acute Diabetic Emergencies  

    21. Anaphylactic Reactions  

    22. Toxicologic Emergencies  

    23. Abdominal, Gynecologic, Genitourinary, and Renal Emergencies  

    24. Environmental Emergencies  

    25. Submersion Incidents: Drowning and Diving Emergencies  

    26. Behavioral Emergencies  


    PART 10

    Standard Trauma

    27. Trauma Overview: The Trauma Patient and the Trauma System  

    28. Bleeding and Soft Tissue Trauma  

    29. Burns  

    30. Musculoskeletal Trauma  

    31. Head Trauma  

    32. Spinal Column and Spinal Cord Trauma  

    33. Eye, Face, and Neck Trauma  

    34. Chest Trauma  

    35. Abdominal and Genitourinary Trauma  

    36. Multisystem Trauma and Trauma in Special Patient Populations  


    PART 11

    Standard Special Patient Populations

    37. Obstetrics and Care of the Newborn  

    38. Pediatrics  

    39. Geriatrics  

    40. Patients with Special Challenges

    41. The Returning Combat Veteran   


    PART 12

    Standard EMS Operations

    42. Ambulance Operations and Air Medical Response  

    43. Gaining Access and Patient Extrication  

    44. Hazardous Materials  

    45. Multiple-Casualty Incidents and Incident Management  

    46. EMS Response to Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction  


    Appendix 1.  ALS-Assist Skills  

    Appendix 2.  Advanced Airway Management  


    Answer Key

