Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (June 11, 2024) © 2024

Bjarne Stroustrup
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9780138308643

    Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ ,3rd edition

    Language: English

    An Introduction to Programming by the Inventor of C++

    Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, Third Edition, will help anyone who is willing to work hard learn the fundamental principles of programming and develop the practical skills needed for programming in the real world. Previous editions have been used successfully by many thousands of students. This revised and updated edition

    • Assumes that your aim is to eventually write programs that are good enough for others to use and maintain
    • Focuses on fundamental concepts and techniques, rather than on obscure language-technical details
    • Is an introduction to programming in general, including procedural, object-oriented, and generic programming, rather than just an introduction to a programming language
    • Covers both contemporary high-level techniques and the lower-level techniques needed for efficient use of hardware
    • Will give you a solid foundation for writing useful, correct, type-safe, maintainable, and efficient code
    • Is primarily designed for people who have never programmed before, but even seasoned programmers have found previous editions useful as an introduction to more effective concepts and techniques
    • Covers a wide range of essential concepts, design and programming techniques, language features, and libraries
    • Uses contemporary C++ (C++20 and C++23)
    • Covers the design and use of both built-in types and user-defi ned types, complete with input, output, computation, and simple graphics/GUI
    • Offers an introduction to the C++ standard library containers and algorithms

    Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preface ix

    Chapter 0: Notes to the Reader 1
    0.1 The structure of this book 2
    0.2 A philosophy of teaching and learning 5
    0.3 ISO standard C++ 8
    0.4 PPP support 11
    0.5 Author biography 13
    0.6 Bibliography 13

    Part I: The Basics

    Chapter 1: Hello, World! 17
    1.1 Programs 18
    1.2 The classic first program 18
    1.3 Compilation 21
    1.4 Linking 23
    1.5 Programming environments 24

    Chapter 2: Objects, Types, and Values 29
    2.1 Input 30
    2.2 Variables 32
    2.3 Input and type 33
    2.4 Operations and operators 34
    2.5 Assignment and initialization 36
    2.6 Names 40
    2.7 Types and objects 42
    2.8 Type safety 43
    2.9 Conversions 44
    2.10 Type deduction: auto 46

    Chapter 3 Computation 51
    3.1 Computation 52
    3.2 Objectives and tools 53
    3.3 Expressions 55
    3.4 Statements 58
    3.5 Functions 68
    3.6 vector 71
    3.7 Language features 77

    Chapter 4: Errors! 83
    4.1 Introduction 84
    4.2 Sources of errors 85
    4.3 Compile-time errors 86
    4.4 Link-time errors 88
    4.5 Run-time errors 89
    4.6 Exceptions 94
    4.7 Avoiding and finding errors 99

    Chapter 5: Writing a Program 115
    5.1 A problem 116
    5.2 Thinking about the problem 116
    5.3 Back to the calculator! 119
    5.4 Back to the drawing board 126
    5.5 Turning a grammar into code 130
    5.6 Trying the first version 136
    5.7 Trying the second version 140
    5.8 Token streams 142
    5.9 Program structure 146

    Chapter 6: Completing a Program 151
    6.1 Introduction 152
    6.2 Input and output 152
    6.3 Error handling 154
    6.4 Negative numbers 156
    6.5 Remainder: % 157
    6.6 Cleaning up the code 158
    6.7 Recovering from errors164
    6.8 Variables 167

    Chapter 7: Technicalities: Functions, etc. 179
    7.1 Technicalities 180
    7.2 Declarations and definitions 181
    7.3 Scope 186
    7.4 Function call and return 190
    7.5 Order of evaluation 206
    7.6 Namespaces 209
    7.7 Modules and headers 211

    Chapter 8: Technicalities: Classes, etc. 221
    8.1 User-defined types 222
    8.2 Classes and members 223
    8.3 Interface and implementation 223
    8.4 Evolving a class: Date 225
    8.5 Enumerations 233
    8.6 Operator overloading 236
    8.7 Class interfaces 237

    Part II: Input and Output

    Chapter 9: Input and Output Streams 251
    9.1 Input and output 252
    9.2 The I/O stream model 253
    9.3 Files 254
    9.4 I/O error handling 258
    9.5 Reading a single value 261
    9.6 User-defined output operators 266
    9.7 User-defined input operators 266
    9.8 A standard input loop 267
    9.9 Reading a structured file 269
    9.10 Formatting 276
    9.11 String streams 283

    Chapter 10: A Display Model 289
    10.1 Why graphics? 290
    10.2 A display model 290
    10.3 A first example 292
    10.4 Using a GUI library 295
    10.5 Coordinates 296
    10.6 Shapes 297
    10.7 Using Shape primitives297
    10.8 Getting the first example to run 309

    Chapter 11: Graphics Classes 315
    11.1 Overview of graphics classes 316
    11.2 Point and Line 317
    11.3 Lines 320
    11.4 Color 323
    11.5 Line_style 325
    11.6 Polylines 328
    11.7 Closed shapes 333
    11.8 Text 346
    11.9 Mark 348
    11.10 Image 350

    Chapter 12: Class Design 355
    12.1 Design principles 356
    12.2 Shape 360
    12.3 Base and derived classes 367
    12.4 Other Shape functions 375
    12.5 Benefits of object-oriented programming 376

    Chapter 13: Graphing Functions and Data 381
    13.1 Introduction 382
    13.2 Graphing simple functions 382
    13.3 Function 386
    13.4 Axis 390
    13.5 Approximation 392
    13.6 Graphing data 397

    Chapter 14: Graphical User Interfaces 409
    14.1 User-interface alternatives 410
    14.2 The “Next” button 411
    14.3 A simple window 412
    14.4 Button and other Widgets 414
    14.5 An example: drawing lines 419
    14.6 Simple animation 426
    14.7 Debugging GUI code 427

    Part III: Data and Algorithms

    Chapter 15: Vector and Free Store 435
    15.1 Introduction 436
    15.2 vector basics 437
    15.3 Memory, addresses, and pointers 439
    15.4 Free store and pointers 442
    15.5 Destructors 447
    15.6 Access to elements 451
    15.7 An example: lists 452
    15.8 The this pointer 456

    Chapter 16: Arrays, Pointers, and References 463
    16.1 Arrays 464
    16.2 Pointers and references468
    16.3 C-style strings 471
    16.4 Alternatives to pointer use 472
    16.5 An example: palindromes 475

    Chapter 17: Essential Operations 483
    17.1 Introduction 484
    17.2 Access to elements 484
    17.3 List initialization 486
    17.4 Copying and moving 488
    17.5 Essential operations 495
    17.6 Other useful operations500
    17.7 Remaining Vector problems 502
    17.8 Changing size 504
    17.9 Our Vector so far 509

    Chapter 18: Templates and Exceptions 513
    18.1 Templates 514
    18.2 Generalizing Vector 522
    18.3 Range checking and exceptions 525
    18.4 Resources and exceptions 529
    18.5 Resource-management pointers 537

    Chapter 19: Containers and Iterators 545
    19.1 Storing and processing data 546
    19.2 Sequences and iterators552
    19.3 Linked lists 555
    19.4 Generalizing Vector yet again 560
    19.5 An example: a simple text editor 566
    19.6 vector, list, and string 572

    Chapter 20: Maps and Sets 577
    20.1 Associative containers 578
    20.2 map 578
    20.3 unordered_map 585
    20.4 Timing 586
    20.5 set 589
    20.6 Container overview 591
    20.7 Ranges and iterators 597

    Chapter 21: Algorithms 603
    21.1 Standard-library algorithms 604
    21.2 Function objects 610
    21.3 Numerical algorithms 614
    21.4 Copying 619
    21.5 Sorting and searching 620

    Index 625