Published by Pearson (August 7, 2015) © 2016
Richard TemplarWith a stunning new look and with more new Rules than ever, get ready to experience the Rules effect. Begin to get more out of life, shrug off adversity more easily and generally be a happier, calmer, more fulfilled person. You’ll feel the benefits, and so will everyone around you.
It’s your life. How good could it be?
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1. Keep it under your hat
2. You'll get older but not necessarily wiser
3. Accept what is done is done
4. Accept yourself
5. Know what counts and what doesn't
6. Dedicate your life to something
7. Be flexible in your thinking
8. Take an interest in the outside world
9. Be on the side of the angels, not the beasts
10. Only dead fish swim with the stream
11. Be the last to raise your voice
12. Be your own adviser
13. No fear, no surprise, no hesitation, no doubt
14. I wish I'd done that – and I will
15. It's OK to give up
16. Count to ten – or recite ‘Baa baa black sheep'
17. Change what you can change, let go of the rest
18. Aim to be the very best at everything you do – not second best
19. Don't expect to be perfect
20. Don't be afraid to dream
21. If you're going to jump off a bridge, make sure you know how deep the water is
22. Don't dwell on the past
23. Don't live in the future
24. Get on with life – it's whooshing past
25. Be consistent
26. Dress like today is important
27. Have a belief system
28. Leave a little space for yourself each day
29. Have a plan
30. Have a sense of humour
31. Choose how you make your bed
32. Life can be a bit like advertising
33. Get used to stepping outside your comfort zone
34. Learn to ask questions
35. Have dignity
36. It's OK to feel big emotions
37. Keep the faith
38. You'll never understand everything
39. Know where true happiness comes from
40. Life is a pizza
42. Know when to let go – when to walk away
43. Retaliation leads to escalation
44. Look after yourself
45. Maintain good manners in all things
46. Prune your stuff frequently
47. Remember to touch base
48. Draw the lines around yourself
49. Shop for quality, not price
50. It's OK to worry, or to know how not to
51. Stay young
52. Throwing money at a problem doesn't always work
53. Think for yourself
54. You are not in charge
55. Have something in your life that takes you out of yourself
56. Only the good feel guilty
57. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all
Partnership Rules
58. Accept the differences, embrace what you have in common
59. Allow your partner the space to be themselves
60. Be nice
61. You want to do what?
62. Be the first to say sorry
63. Go that extra step in trying to please them
64. Know when to listen and when to act
65. Have a passion for your life together