Published by Pearson (July 4, 2013) © 2013
Charles Wild | Stuart WeinsteinPart 1 The english legal system
1. The nature and development of English law
2. The unwritten constitution
3. The law-making process: legislation and case law
4. The courts of law
5. Other courts, tribunals and judicial review
6. Alternative Dispute Resolution
7. The main legal professions
8. Legal services
9. Criminal procedure
10. Civil procedure
11. The Human Rights Act
12. Persons and the Crown
Part 2 European union law
13. The legislative organs of the European Union
14. Sources of European Union law
15. Jurisdiction in personam: the Brussels regime
Part 3 The law of contract
16. Making the contract I: offer and acceptance
17. Making the contract II: consideration and estoppel
18. Making the contract III: formalities and capacity
19. Reality of consent: mistake, misrepresentation and duress
20. Contractual terms
21. Exclusion clauses and other unfair terms
22. Illegality, public policy and competition law
23. Discharge of contract
24. Remedies and limitation of actions
Part 4 The law of torts
25. The law of torts: general principles
26. Tort of negligence
27. Torts relating to property
28. Miscellaneous torts
29. Defences and remedies in tort
Part 5 The law of property
30. The law of property
Part 6 Criminal law
31. Criminal law: general principles
32. Specific offences
33. Age and responsibility: general defences
Part 7 Employment law
34. The contract of employment
35. Workplace discrimination
36. Termination of contract of employmentPart 8 Cases and materials