American English

Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook, and Interactive Web Based Case Studies ,3rd edition::9781292052564

Published by Pearson (October 3, 2013) © 2014

Linda Cummins | Judith Sevel | Laura Pedrick
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292052564

    Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook, and Interactive Web Based Case Studies ,3rd edition

    Language: American English

    A social work practice skills text/workbook with web-based case studies


    This book is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series. This series helps students understand and master CSWE’s core competencies with a variety of pedagogy highlighted competency content and critical thinking questions for the competencies throughout.

    Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice guides students through all stages of the helping process and assists them in developing time-tested social work skills.


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    • Chapter 1: An Introduction to Social Work and the Helping Process
    • Chapter 2: Values and Ethics in Social Work
    • Chapter 3: Theory Directed Social Work Practice
    • Chapter 4: The Cultural Context of Practice: Using Interviewing Skills Effectively
    • Chapter 5: Basic Skills for Direct Practice
    • Chapter 6: Advanced Social Work Skills for Direct Practice
    • Chapter 7: Common Errors in Direct Practice
    • Chapter 8: Intake and Engagement
    • Chapter 9: The Assessment Process
    • Chapter 10: Problem Identification, Planning, and Contracting
    • Chapter 11: Treatment and Intervention
    • Chapter 12: Evaluation and Termination
    • Chapter 13: Transitions: Looking Ahead