Published by Pearson (February 7, 2013) © 2013
John Macionis | Ken PlummerSociology: A Global Introduction represents a uniquely co-ordinated and complete learning resource for sociology students worldwide. International in outlook and culturally wide-ranging, it also reminds us that sociology is valuable. Unrivalled in breadth, it is a text of passion and sophistication helping you become an active, connected and critical learner.
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- Part One: Introducing Sociology
- 1 The Sociological Imagination
- 2 Thinking Sociologically, Thinking Globally
- 3 Studying the Social: An Introduction to Sociological Method
- Part Two: The Foundations of Society: From Macro to Micro
- 4 Societies
- 5 Culture
- 6 Groups, Organisations and the Rise of the Network Society
- 7 Micro-sociology: The Social Construction of Everyday Life
- Part Three: The Unequal World: Difference, Division and Social Stratification
- 8 Inequality, Social Divisions and Social Stratification
- 9 Global Poverty/Global Inequality
- 10 Class, Poverty and Welfare: The Case of the UK
- 11 Racism, Ethnicities and Migration
- 12 The Gender Order and Sexualities
- 13 Age Stratification, Children and Later Life
- 14 Disabilities, Care and the Humanitarian Society
- Part Four: Social Structures, Social Practices and Social Institutions
- 15 Economies, Work and Consumption
- 16 Power, Governance and Social Movements
- 17 Control, Crime and Deviance
- 18 Families, Personal Life and Living Together
- 19 Religion and belief
- 20 Education
- 21 Health, Medicine and Well-being
- 22 Communication and the New Media
- 23 Science, Cyberspace and the Risk Society
- Part Five: Social Change and the Twenty-First Century
- 24 Populations, Cities and the Space of Things to Come
- 25 Social Change and the Environment
- 26 Living in the Twenty-First Century
- Part Six: Resources for Critical Thinking: Creating Sociological Imaginations