Published by Pearson Education (January 20, 2016) © 2016

Ralph.D. Stacey | Chris Mowles
    VitalSource eTextbook (Lifetime access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292125695

    Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics ,7th edition

    Language: British English

    Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics remains unique amongst strategic management textbooks by taking a refreshingly alternative look at the subject. Drawing on the sciences of complexity as well as a broad range of social scientific literature, Stacey and Mowles challenge the conceptual orthodoxy of planned strategy, focusing instead on emergence and the predictable unpredictability of organisational life.


    Ideal for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate study, this critically detailed account deals with current issues, raising the challenge of complexity within practice and theory.  

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    • 1 Strategic management in perspective: a step in the professionalisation of management
    • 2 Thinking about strategy and organisational change: the implicit assumptions distinguishing one theory from another
    • 3 The origins of systems thinking in the Age of Reason
    • 4 Thinking in terms of strategic choice: cybernetic systems, cognitivist and humanistic psychology
    • 5 Thinking in terms of organisational learning and knowledge creation: systems dynamics, cognitivist, humanistic and constructivist psychology
    • 6 Thinking in terms of organisational psychodynamics: open systems and psychoanalytic perspectives
    • 7 Thinking about strategy process from a systemic perspective: using a process to control a process
    • 8 A review of systemic ways of thinking about strategy and organisational dynamics: key challenges for alternative ways of thinking
    • 9 Extending and challenging the dominant discourse on organisations: thinking about participation and practice
    • 10 The complexity sciences: the sciences of uncertainty
    • 11 Systemic applications of complexity sciences to organisations: restating the dominant discourse
    • 12 Responsive processes thinking: the interplay of intentions
    • 13 The emergence of organisational strategy in local communicative interaction: complex responsive processes of conversation
    • 14 The link between the local communicative interaction of strategising and the population-wide patterns of strategy
    • 15 The emergence of organisational strategy in local communicative interaction: complex responsive processes of ideology and power relating
    • 16 Different modes of articulating patterns of interaction emerging across organisations: strategy narratives and strategy models
    • 17 Complex responsive processes of strategising: acting locally on the basis of global goals, visions, expectations and intentions for the ‘whole’ organisation over the ‘long-term future’
    • 18 Complex responsive processes: implications for thinking about organisational dynamics and strategy
    • Reference
    • Index