Published by Pearson (October 4, 2021) © 2022
Yvonne McGivernLearn the techniques and practical tasks involved in designing and running a research project
The Practice of Market Research: From Data to Insight, 5th edition, by McGivern offers a thorough introduction to the practice of market and social research. It is structured around the research process – from defining the problem to be researched to communicating the insight which the research produces. An ideal companion for a market research student or anyone doing a research project, the book takes you through data analytics and data mining in a market research context, in addition to explaining the ethical, legal and regulatory context in which research operates.
The ‘Industry Insights' draw real-world examples from successful market research projects in companies such as Formula One, BBC, IBM, PayPal, Twinings and Volvo. There are also examples of research on social issues including the COVID-19 pandemic, anti-social behaviour, HIV/AIDS, cancer support and many more. The new edition supports the MRS Advanced Certificate in Market and Social Research Practice.
This is a great applied marketing research text that will be suitable for students going beyond the basics of research and learning about how marketing research works in practice
- Ben Lowe, Professor of Marketing, Kent Business School, University of Kent
Marketing research clearly explained as a professional practice - with practical advice on issues to consider and ways forward - and as an academic discipline with methodological and theoretical concerns.
- Dr Philippa Ward, Reader in Services Marketing, University of Gloucestershire
About the author:
Yvonne McGivern has worked on both the agency and the client side and currently works as a consultant. She taught research methods at Queen's University Belfast and at Trinity College Dublin. She is Joint Chief Examiner for the MRS Advanced Certificate in Market and Social Research Practice.
Pearson, the world's learning company.
About MRS
Guide to MRS Advanced Certificate syllabus learning outcomes
Part 1 Introducing market and social research
- 1. Research, data and insight
- 2. The practice of market and social research
- 3. Types of data and research
Part 2 Planning and designing research
- 4. Business problem and research problem
- 5. Research design
- 6. Writing a research brief
- 7. Writing a research proposal
Part 3 Secondary or existing data
- 8. Sources of existing data
- 9. Evaluating existing data
Part 4 Qualitative research
- 10. Qualitative research methods
- 11. Doing qualitative research
- 12. Analysing qualitative data
Part 5 Quantitative research
- 13. Methods of data collection
- 14. Sampling
- 15. Designing questionnaires
- 16. Understanding data
- 17. Analysing quantitative data
- 18. Data mining and data analytics
Part 6 Bringing it all together Managing and reviewing a project
- 20. Communicating the findings