Published by Pearson (September 10, 2014) © 2015

Jennifer George | Gareth Jones
    VitalSource eTextbook (12 months access)
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    ISBN-13: 9781292014319R365

    Understanding and Managing Organizational Behviour Global Edition ,6th edition

    Language: English

    For one-semester, undergraduate/graduate level courses in Organizational Behavior.

    This title is a Pearson Global Edition.  The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.

    Vivid examples, thought-provoking activities—get students engaged in OB. 

    George/Jones uses real-world examples, thought- and discussion-provoking learning activities to help students become more engaged in what they are learning. This text also provides the most contemporary and up-to-date account of the changing issues involved in managing people in organizations.

    The sixth edition features new cases, material addressing the economic crisis, and expanded coverage of ethics and workplace diversity. 

    Accompanied by mymanagementlab!
    See the hands in the air, hear the roar of discussion–be a rock star in the classroom. mymanagementlab makes it easier for you to rock the classroom by helping you hold students accountable for class preparation, and getting students engaged in the material through an array of relevant teaching and media resources. Visit for more information. 

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Organizational Behavior
    Chapter 2: Individual Differences: Personality and Ability
    Chapter 3: Values, Attitudes, and Moods and Emotions
    Chapter 4: Perception, Attribution, and the Management of Diversity
    Chapter 5: Learning and Creativity
    Chapter 6: The Nature of Work Motivation
    Chapter 7: Creating a Motivating Work Setting
    Chapter 8: Pay, Careers, and Changing Employment Relationships
    Chapter 9: Managing Stress and Work-Life Balance
    Chapter 10: The Nature of Work Groups and Teams
    Chapter 11: Effective Work Groups and Teams
    Chapter 12: Leaders and Leadership
    Chapter 13: Power, Politics, Conflict, and Negotiation
    Chapter 14: Communicating Effectively in Organizations
    Chapter 15: Decision Making and Organizational Learning
    Chapter 16: Organizational Design and Structure
    Chapter 17: Organizational Culture and Ethical Behavior
    Chapter 18: Organizational Change and Development