Published by Pearson (October 3, 2013) © 2014
Felipe Fernandez-ArmestoVolume 2: Chapters 13-30
Volume A: Chapters 1-10
Volume B: Chapters 11-20
Volume C: Chapters 20-30
In Perspective: Cains and Abels
PART 6: the crucible: the eurasian crises of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
Chapter 13
The World the Mongols Made
The Mongols: Reshaping Eurasia
- Genghis Khan
- The Mongol Steppe
The Mongol World Beyond the Steppes: The Silk Roads, China, Persia, and Russia
- China
- Persia
- Russia
The Limits of Conquest: Mamluk Egypt and Muslim India
- Mamluk Egypt
- Muslim India: The Delhi Sultanate
In Perspective: The Uniqueness of the Mongols
Chapter 14
The Revenge of Nature: Plague, Cold, and the Limits of Disaster in the Fourteenth Century
Climate Change
The Coming of the Age of Plague
- The Course and Impact of Plague
- Medicine and Morals
- The Jews
- Distribution of Wealth
- Peasant Millenarianism
The Limits of Disaster: Beyond the Plague Zone
- India
- Southeast Asia
- Japan
- Mali
The Pacific: Societies of Isolation
- Easter Island
- New Zealand
- Ozette
- Chan Chan
In Perspective: The Aftershock
Chapter 15
Expanding Worlds: Recovery in the Late Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
Fragile Empires in Africa
- East Africa
- West Africa
Ecological Imperialism in the Americas
- The Inca Empire
- The Aztec Empire
New Eurasian Empires
- The Russia Empire
- Timurids and the Ottoman Empire
The Limitations of Chinese Imperialism
The Beginnings of Oceanic Imperialism
The European Outlook: Problems and Promise
In Perspective: Beyond Empires
Part 7: Convergence and Divergence to ca. 1700
Chapter 16
Imperial Arenas: New Empires in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Maritime Empires: Portugal, Japan, and the Dutch
- The Portuguese Example
- Asian Examples
- The Dutch Connection
Land Empires: Russia, China, Mughal India, and the Ottomans
- China
- The Mughal Example in India
- The Ottomans
New Land Empires in the Americas
- Making the New Empires Work
In Perspective: The Global Balance of Trade
Chapter 17
The Ecological Revolution of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
The Ecological Exchange: Plants and Animals
- Maize, Sweet Potatoes, and Potatoes
- Weeds, Grasses, and Livestock
- Cane Sugar
- Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate
- Patterns of Ecological Exchange
The Microbial Exchange
- Demographic Collapse in the New World
- Plague and New Diseases in Eurasia
Labor: Human Transplantations
Wild Frontiers: Encroaching Settlement
- Northern and Central Asia: The Waning of Steppeland Imperialism
- Pastoral Imperialism in Af